Today was Day 3 for Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred!
I am realizing more each day that I really like this workout style. I was struggling today to find the motivation to do the workout, but I had to keep telling myself "You can't think about it! Just DO IT!" and come on seriously {self} it's only a half hour!
So despite being sore from Day 1 (Wed) and Day 2 (Tues), I did it! I may be eating my words tomorrow, but I am proud of myself that I stuck to it & pushed past that little voice in the back of my head telling me "oh you can just wake up early and do it tomorrow morning" ...cause I mean, that hardly ever ends up working out lol.
I still have to do my before pics & measurements - I have the worst memory & attention span EVER lol
Friday, March 30, 2012
I am so addicted...
to "A Perfect Circle" right now! lol
Not like they are a new band or anything, I am just totally feeling them right now...I even bought a couple cd's of theirs yesterday and I CANT WAIT for them to get here! lol
Here are a few songs I am in LOVE with right now:
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step - "Weak & Powerless"
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step - "The Noose"
Not like they are a new band or anything, I am just totally feeling them right now...I even bought a couple cd's of theirs yesterday and I CANT WAIT for them to get here! lol
Here are a few songs I am in LOVE with right now:
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step - "Weak & Powerless"
A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms - "3 Libras"
...and other than A Perfect Circle, I've also really been liking this song to lol
Thom Yorke - The Eraser (Remixes) - "Atoms for Peace"
I guess right now I am in just a Tool/A Perfect Circle/Radiohead/Thom Yorke mood right now lol
I know what I listen to may not be the same music all of you like, but I hope if you enjoy more alternative rock type music, you will enjoy the songs I posted above! :)
So if you don't like this kind of music, what do you listen to?
{OH - and P.S: Day 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred, I think my arms and legs are going to fall off. Enough said about that lol. I am going to continue though - I am determined! lol}
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred - Day 1
I was sooo happy to get my DVD yesterday - I had/have been reading the reviews for it on, and honestly it got me REALLY pumped up & motivated to start, even though many reviews were saying how hard it is.
In my opinion, it was not as hard as I was prepared for.
It does have an intro that you can't skip past so ya that is gonna probably start to get annoying, but I found a solution to this issue. Jillian doesn't give you much more than a couple minute warm up for this DVD, and seriously - common sense stuff - you need more than a minute or two to really be ready for the workout. So instead of complaining about the intro, just do extra warm up exercises while its loading.
I did this as I already knew about the intro thing, and I am probably 50% less sore than most other people after their first day & NOT because I didn't push myself because, trust me, I DID lol. I just had a great stretch out and although I am quite stiff, I feel like it wouldn't be the end of the world to go ahead and do Day 2 like some of the reviewers were saying they couldn't do because of the soreness. I am actually really excited to start Day 2, even though I am sure I will regret saying that when I am in the middle of the workout lol.
One thing I already LOVE off the bat is the moves - they are soooo simple to follow, they are pretty much all gym class type moves like sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks, etc. The intensity & the time frame in which they are done at are what really get you the results. No breaks during the whole workout - but if you are new like me I do take a sec and sip some water and catch my breath, but after that I am right back to it.
I LOVE that the video is only about 30 mins long (including warm up and cool down) and that the workout is set up in 3-2-1 system. 3 mins of strengthening with weights, 2 mins cardio, and 1 minute abs & you will do the 3-2-1 a total of 3 times per workout. It seems to be over SUPER fast, so its great for people who get discouraged easily at working out.
Also, as many of you know - she is really a great motivator as well. She seems to say things to help keep you going just at the right time & I appreciate that. Many other videos are really annoying or too bubbly for my taste - I'm sorry, but I am sweating like a hog over here, I don't want to hear your extra happy tone cause I am def not extra happy right now lol. She's very straight forward and I think its funny she even admits to not being very flexible, she struggles with the stretches at first on the cool down part lol.
So those are my thoughts so far. I do need to do my measurements and take some before pictures (can you say DREAD doing that? lol) because I do want to see what my changes are hopefully in the near future! (some people have lost upwards of 10lb's on the first week or two, so I'd love to be in that same boat myself lol.)
Have any of you tried the 30 day shred yet? What were your results & how did you feel about the program?
In my opinion, it was not as hard as I was prepared for.
It does have an intro that you can't skip past so ya that is gonna probably start to get annoying, but I found a solution to this issue. Jillian doesn't give you much more than a couple minute warm up for this DVD, and seriously - common sense stuff - you need more than a minute or two to really be ready for the workout. So instead of complaining about the intro, just do extra warm up exercises while its loading.
I did this as I already knew about the intro thing, and I am probably 50% less sore than most other people after their first day & NOT because I didn't push myself because, trust me, I DID lol. I just had a great stretch out and although I am quite stiff, I feel like it wouldn't be the end of the world to go ahead and do Day 2 like some of the reviewers were saying they couldn't do because of the soreness. I am actually really excited to start Day 2, even though I am sure I will regret saying that when I am in the middle of the workout lol.
One thing I already LOVE off the bat is the moves - they are soooo simple to follow, they are pretty much all gym class type moves like sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks, etc. The intensity & the time frame in which they are done at are what really get you the results. No breaks during the whole workout - but if you are new like me I do take a sec and sip some water and catch my breath, but after that I am right back to it.
I LOVE that the video is only about 30 mins long (including warm up and cool down) and that the workout is set up in 3-2-1 system. 3 mins of strengthening with weights, 2 mins cardio, and 1 minute abs & you will do the 3-2-1 a total of 3 times per workout. It seems to be over SUPER fast, so its great for people who get discouraged easily at working out.
Also, as many of you know - she is really a great motivator as well. She seems to say things to help keep you going just at the right time & I appreciate that. Many other videos are really annoying or too bubbly for my taste - I'm sorry, but I am sweating like a hog over here, I don't want to hear your extra happy tone cause I am def not extra happy right now lol. She's very straight forward and I think its funny she even admits to not being very flexible, she struggles with the stretches at first on the cool down part lol.
So those are my thoughts so far. I do need to do my measurements and take some before pictures (can you say DREAD doing that? lol) because I do want to see what my changes are hopefully in the near future! (some people have lost upwards of 10lb's on the first week or two, so I'd love to be in that same boat myself lol.)
Have any of you tried the 30 day shred yet? What were your results & how did you feel about the program?
Monday, March 26, 2012
On Saturday I got to catch up & have girls night/belated bday dinner with one of my best friends, Katie, before she leaves in a few weeks to move to TX (so sad!), and she decided that night would be a great night to get some more ink done.
I was super excited to go with her, I was there for her first tattoo when she turned 18, and while I was there OMG I got the itch to get one SOOOO badly!

I have been racking my brain since then, almost trying to convince myself of a reason to get one done lol - but I know I won't actually do it until I have a legitimate reason to.
I have always wanted a tattoo, but I know that when I get one it has to has to really mean something to me.
I thought back to when I was fresh out of high school - I had always wanted to get one done to remind me of my love for horses and to remind me of the horses I've owned & loved in the past.

Do any of you have any tattoos or ever wanted to get one?
Friday, March 23, 2012
Damn You McDonalds!
I left the house this morning and totally forgot to bring myself breakfast, so to avoid starvation until 2pm - I stopped by the McDonalds next to the bank (I had to go put my check in, so it was convenient lol) and got myself what I thought wasn't THAT bad of a breakfast....boy, was I wrong lol
I got a #3 - Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit and an Orange juice. So I just plugged that into, and OMFG it was like 760 calories! I have a limit of 1200 calories per day on there so there is only like 440 calories left for the DAY!, I hope that fills me up for a while cause I am not going to be able to eat much today lol - or I'm just going to have to be ok with going over my daily caloric limit. I guess at least I only ate 1,026 calories yesterday (oops! I was trying to be careful and I guess I went too far lol. It got onto me about not eating enough calories lol) so if I go over today I wont feel SO horrible.
I really can't wait for my Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD to come in lol...I am really excited to get started :)
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday!
I got a #3 - Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit and an Orange juice. So I just plugged that into, and OMFG it was like 760 calories! I have a limit of 1200 calories per day on there so there is only like 440 calories left for the DAY!, I hope that fills me up for a while cause I am not going to be able to eat much today lol - or I'm just going to have to be ok with going over my daily caloric limit. I guess at least I only ate 1,026 calories yesterday (oops! I was trying to be careful and I guess I went too far lol. It got onto me about not eating enough calories lol) so if I go over today I wont feel SO horrible.
I really can't wait for my Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD to come in lol...I am really excited to get started :)
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
My Fitness
So I mentioned this website on my last post, but it got me thinking - OK I used this website before, but I got "un-motivated" and stopped using it, so I am going to make sure to use this site again cause like I's a LOT like weight watchers. I didn't realize until this morning they don't use the points anymore but it does count calories for you which is really nice. Not 100% accurate though, but hey I guess weight watchers isn't either.
I put up a new count down ticker thingy on the top of my blog - and right now it says a big fat ZERO, but it's going to be my constant reminder to keep up with everything having to do with my weight loss. The longer it says ZERO, the longer I will feel bad about not having changed any so hopefully, it'll be a motivator lol.
I put up a new count down ticker thingy on the top of my blog - and right now it says a big fat ZERO, but it's going to be my constant reminder to keep up with everything having to do with my weight loss. The longer it says ZERO, the longer I will feel bad about not having changed any so hopefully, it'll be a motivator lol.
Diet...the dreaded word
SO I've been thinking a lot lately about how I need to actually sit down, and write out a goal plan for myself if I really ever plan on getting healthy in a reasonable period of time.
I do know, however, that when I get into "healthy" mode (and when I get an itch to do something, I kinda obsess about it lol) the moment I start to say "I'm on a diet" it starts going downhill. I think many of us has heard this before or had the same thing happen to us, but I end up being worse about eating than I was before, so here is what I vow to do:
~Drink at least 2 quarts of water a day
~Eat every 2-3 hours, small portions, and what I eat needs to be minimally processed - snacks being fruit or veggies & not junk ANYTHING
~Work out at least 20 mins everyday - I will start this when I get my Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred in (hopefully Monday)
~Get a good night's sleep every night & stretch in the morning
I also have decided that I will try to lose weight in small goal increments - about 10 pounds at a time. When I hit my first goal, my present to myself will be non-food related, so I think some shopping may be in order ;)
I will try to remember to get my measurements tonight, OH MAN...I will hate doing that lol
Here are some really awesome websites I found that can help anyone in their weight loss, and it's all FREE!
~This is a great all-around site for anyone looking to be healthier & they provide a TON of knowledge, recipes, etc:
~This site has a place for you to click on a body part, and get several great workouts that target those spots. Its pretty cool!:
~This website is A LOT like Weight Watchers, you can track points & get information, recipes, etc:
Thanks for reading!
I do know, however, that when I get into "healthy" mode (and when I get an itch to do something, I kinda obsess about it lol) the moment I start to say "I'm on a diet" it starts going downhill. I think many of us has heard this before or had the same thing happen to us, but I end up being worse about eating than I was before, so here is what I vow to do:
~Drink at least 2 quarts of water a day
~Eat every 2-3 hours, small portions, and what I eat needs to be minimally processed - snacks being fruit or veggies & not junk ANYTHING
~Work out at least 20 mins everyday - I will start this when I get my Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred in (hopefully Monday)
~Get a good night's sleep every night & stretch in the morning
I also have decided that I will try to lose weight in small goal increments - about 10 pounds at a time. When I hit my first goal, my present to myself will be non-food related, so I think some shopping may be in order ;)
I will try to remember to get my measurements tonight, OH MAN...I will hate doing that lol
Here are some really awesome websites I found that can help anyone in their weight loss, and it's all FREE!
~This is a great all-around site for anyone looking to be healthier & they provide a TON of knowledge, recipes, etc:
~This site has a place for you to click on a body part, and get several great workouts that target those spots. Its pretty cool!:
~This website is A LOT like Weight Watchers, you can track points & get information, recipes, etc:
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Working Out...
OMG I have been soooooo bad lately about working out and eating - it's like I haven't even cared for the past like week and a half at least...
I worked out Monday the 5th, and got sick afterwards - I guess I went a little overboard that time, and like just quit after that lol. I decided that Friday I'd start again on Monday after work, but I started my period that weekend so needless-to-say I didn't feel much like working out cause it felt like there was a watermelon in my uterus all week lol....not the most comfortable thing ever lol.
I need to get my butt in gear & keep it in gear! I don't know what my problem is...its like I find any excuse to not workout, but then I look at myself in the mirror...and unfortunately, I hate what I see. Of course, I can't change that unless I start working out on a regular here I am, stuck in the vicious cycle.
I don't have enough money to hire a personal trainer nor do I have the money to pay for an expensive gym with all the great classes. I have a membership at a gym now, but I do not like it there. They do have Zumba classes that I have always wanted to try, but I hate the times of the classes that I could go to. The earliest is like 6:30 at night and I'm sorry, but that is just way to late to be working out for me.
Preferably, I like working out in the morning but I literally cannot function before like 5:30am so that does not leave me enough time to do anything if I plan on making it to work on time.
See what I mean?!?! My thought process SUCKS when I am trying to figure this shit out...
I guess I will have to figure it out soon enough - I really don't want to go through another summer avoiding having fun with my family & friends due to being self conscious...I want to finally enjoy a summer in a bathing suit & look good in it at the same time!
Someone, PLEASE help me! lol
I just ordered Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred because it had TONS of great reviews on several different websites so maybe that'll help me lol. I'm kinda scared by her but HEY...maybe thats what I need lol
I worked out Monday the 5th, and got sick afterwards - I guess I went a little overboard that time, and like just quit after that lol. I decided that Friday I'd start again on Monday after work, but I started my period that weekend so needless-to-say I didn't feel much like working out cause it felt like there was a watermelon in my uterus all week lol....not the most comfortable thing ever lol.
I need to get my butt in gear & keep it in gear! I don't know what my problem is...its like I find any excuse to not workout, but then I look at myself in the mirror...and unfortunately, I hate what I see. Of course, I can't change that unless I start working out on a regular here I am, stuck in the vicious cycle.
I don't have enough money to hire a personal trainer nor do I have the money to pay for an expensive gym with all the great classes. I have a membership at a gym now, but I do not like it there. They do have Zumba classes that I have always wanted to try, but I hate the times of the classes that I could go to. The earliest is like 6:30 at night and I'm sorry, but that is just way to late to be working out for me.
Preferably, I like working out in the morning but I literally cannot function before like 5:30am so that does not leave me enough time to do anything if I plan on making it to work on time.
See what I mean?!?! My thought process SUCKS when I am trying to figure this shit out...
I guess I will have to figure it out soon enough - I really don't want to go through another summer avoiding having fun with my family & friends due to being self conscious...I want to finally enjoy a summer in a bathing suit & look good in it at the same time!
Someone, PLEASE help me! lol
I just ordered Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred because it had TONS of great reviews on several different websites so maybe that'll help me lol. I'm kinda scared by her but HEY...maybe thats what I need lol
Friday, March 16, 2012
Happy St. Patty's Eve!
Just wanted to say that I hope everyone has a fun & safe weekend!
I myself have a big day of cake ball making & celebrating on Saturday, my birthday buddy & neice's party will be on Sunday morning & then dinner with some friends Sunday night.
I am very excited!
Anyone have any fun plans for this weekend?
I myself have a big day of cake ball making & celebrating on Saturday, my birthday buddy & neice's party will be on Sunday morning & then dinner with some friends Sunday night.
I am very excited!
Anyone have any fun plans for this weekend?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
I am frustrated right now...
I LOATHE fighting, arguing, or any kind of confrontation in general. Long story short though, Cody is still in the process of getting his GED & has only ONE test left to do; however, it is one that is hard for him so of course, he's going to be a bit reluctant to deal with it.
I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of to motivate him to go to school to get practice & help for his last test, but nothing has worked.
I don't want to threaten him with anything because that is not the way to go about it with him - but me saying stuff to him and basically nagging him about it has done nothing. The past couple of days I have gotten into it with him (well I was really the only one getting upset with the fact he wasn't going, he was upset that I was bringing up something that he didn't want to hear) and finally today, I said "I am done with this, it's up to you to finish this. If anyone asks me I will tell them exactly whats going on - and you can deal with them" (I'm basically referring to my parents, because they care more about it than anyone - obviously, they want to see us succeed in life...and SO DO I)
I want so much to see him go and succeed at this school, but HOW DO I GET HIM TO GO!?
I just don't see this ending easily...OH, and in the next few months they said they are changing the test and he would have to take EVERYTHING back over again - and that still doesn't make him go...
What do I do!?! I need some help!
(PS) I think part of the reason he doesn't care so much is because there is nothing "forcing" him to have his GED right now. I feel at this point it won't happen unless I get pregnant (...don't worry, I would never go get pregnant to make him do this - thats just dumb) or unless he has to be finding another job.
I LOATHE fighting, arguing, or any kind of confrontation in general. Long story short though, Cody is still in the process of getting his GED & has only ONE test left to do; however, it is one that is hard for him so of course, he's going to be a bit reluctant to deal with it.
I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of to motivate him to go to school to get practice & help for his last test, but nothing has worked.
I don't want to threaten him with anything because that is not the way to go about it with him - but me saying stuff to him and basically nagging him about it has done nothing. The past couple of days I have gotten into it with him (well I was really the only one getting upset with the fact he wasn't going, he was upset that I was bringing up something that he didn't want to hear) and finally today, I said "I am done with this, it's up to you to finish this. If anyone asks me I will tell them exactly whats going on - and you can deal with them" (I'm basically referring to my parents, because they care more about it than anyone - obviously, they want to see us succeed in life...and SO DO I)
I want so much to see him go and succeed at this school, but HOW DO I GET HIM TO GO!?
I just don't see this ending easily...OH, and in the next few months they said they are changing the test and he would have to take EVERYTHING back over again - and that still doesn't make him go...
What do I do!?! I need some help!
(PS) I think part of the reason he doesn't care so much is because there is nothing "forcing" him to have his GED right now. I feel at this point it won't happen unless I get pregnant (...don't worry, I would never go get pregnant to make him do this - thats just dumb) or unless he has to be finding another job.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Poor Loca
So, I found out I can't bring the pups to the vet until Friday - and then I have to wait another week before I can have little miss Loca spayed...
she had other plans, and went into heat last night.........GREAT I have to go buy her one of these tonight & she'll have to wear it until she can get spayed (LOL)
...I will try not to laugh, but I can only imagine Loca trying to run around the house in this...she's going to hate me for the next two weeks tehe
she had other plans, and went into heat last night.........GREAT I have to go buy her one of these tonight & she'll have to wear it until she can get spayed (LOL)
...I will try not to laugh, but I can only imagine Loca trying to run around the house in this...she's going to hate me for the next two weeks tehe
Monday, March 12, 2012
This Week...
Oh man...what a weekend! It was practically a party over at my house this whole weekend, but I was soooooo happy to have my best friend, Julie, come visit me!
...I did just realize though how hectic of a week I have ahead of me....
I have to take both dogs to the vet for shots, and Ms. Loca is getting spayed too...not sure how that's going to work out with my schedule, but I guess I've got to figure it out!
Then, I also have to work late Friday which sucks - it's never easy going from an 8-4 schedule to a 11-7 schedule (esp. when you are most likely not going to be able to sleep in that day too!) lol
BUT...Saturday is St. Patrick's day, and although I don't drink very often I definitely want to have some fun that night & celebrate into my birthday on the 18th! I also have my little niece's birthday Sunday morning...yep, we are birthday buddies & I just love it!
The only thing is for Michelle's party, is I have to make a hella ton of cake balls & figure out what all we need for the chocolate fountain. My work is donating the chocolate and the fountain so we just need to figure out all the dipping items and who's supposed to go buy them lol. And in case you were wondering, I work for a web-based chocolate company - if you are interested in checking us out, go to
How was everyone's weekend?!
...I did just realize though how hectic of a week I have ahead of me....
I have to take both dogs to the vet for shots, and Ms. Loca is getting spayed too...not sure how that's going to work out with my schedule, but I guess I've got to figure it out!
Then, I also have to work late Friday which sucks - it's never easy going from an 8-4 schedule to a 11-7 schedule (esp. when you are most likely not going to be able to sleep in that day too!) lol
BUT...Saturday is St. Patrick's day, and although I don't drink very often I definitely want to have some fun that night & celebrate into my birthday on the 18th! I also have my little niece's birthday Sunday morning...yep, we are birthday buddies & I just love it!
The only thing is for Michelle's party, is I have to make a hella ton of cake balls & figure out what all we need for the chocolate fountain. My work is donating the chocolate and the fountain so we just need to figure out all the dipping items and who's supposed to go buy them lol. And in case you were wondering, I work for a web-based chocolate company - if you are interested in checking us out, go to
How was everyone's weekend?!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Glorious, Glorious, Friday!
Happy Friday everyone!
I have decided to dedicate today's post to showing you lots of random pictures of my everyday life & family (but mostly pets, lol)...I hope you enjoy!
...I think that'll do for now :)
Thanks for viewing & if you like my blog, please Follow me!
I have decided to dedicate today's post to showing you lots of random pictures of my everyday life & family (but mostly pets, lol)...I hope you enjoy!
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Cody at the port in Cozumel, Mexico |
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We're on a boat! {Not my best pic, but whatev} |
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Visiting Family in CA, inside a fallen over Redwood tree! |
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My turn! |
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My ADORABLE niece, Michelle (Baby Chelle) |
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My other ADORABLE niece, Charlotte |
Thanks for viewing & if you like my blog, please Follow me!
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